Saturday, December 26, 2009

Anniston Ray & Christmas 2009

Yes, we're having a girl and we have a name...She will be named Anniston Ray Tice. Anniston we just love and it also has my mom's middle name in it...and Ray is the family name that we wanted to use whether it was a boy or girl. My grandfather's name is Ray (he married us), my dad's middle name and brother's as well.'s just a beautiful name! Anna Kate and Bella are so excited to have another girl to play with:)

We were so anxious before the appointment. I know I shouldn't be anxious about anything, but I was just so ready to hear your little heartbeat again and see you. It was so exciting to see you moving around. At one point, you were sucking your thumb and holding your feet. How sweet! You even received a few Christmas gifts yesterday. It was so exciting opening up the tiny pink things. Derrick says he may paint the room this we're about to start looking at colors and all the nursery things.

As for Christmas, we were able to spend time with both sets of parents and two sets of grandparents as well as lots of family and friends. God has truly blessed all of us this year and we are so thankful. As we get closer to the end of 2009, we pray we continue to bring Him joy as He has us. Please keep our little angel in your prayers and she continues to develop!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas, Birthday, and Catching Up!

First of all, I'm so excited that we're off work for vacation! I had a great Birthday yesterday...Derrick and I spent the weekend in Nashville. While at the Opryland Hotel, he surprised me by giving me diamond earrings:) Yes, he did really good! He did mention that we would need to save my first diamonds case we have a little girl:) too sweet. I can't believe I'm 27 already..time flies. I've promised to post pics online of the baby bump and I plan to do so on Wednesday when we can add the new ultrasound pics.

I'm not looking forward to wrapping all make it a little uncomfortable to wrap. So I can feel you occassionally, but not near as much as I would like. Hopefully, that will come very soon. I'm anxious and excited about Wednesday's Dr.'s appointment. We may know if you are a boy or girl in two days...I can't wait!!! I know I'm not supposed to be eating for two...just a few hundred calories extra a day, but you are making me want to eat too much.
Christmas will be very busy. We have Christmas Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday! Lastly, I just want to say a special Happy Birthday to Jesus. We thank you for all of our blessings this year and look forward to celebrating Christmas.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our Thanksgiving fun!

I probably need to apologize to you because I took you on your first crazy after Thanksgiving shopping trip! After standing in the Best Buy line from 4a.m. until 5a.m., I began to wonder if you were frozen inside Mom and I had fun, but I didn't last long. Unfortunately, I did get repayment for going on that trip with a cold and sore throat. Thanksgiving was fun, but like most we had too much to eat (and too many sweets). We go to the doctor tomorrow, but I'm told no ultrasound again...ugh! I really need to see you! Hopefully, December 23rd will get here soon. I think the nausea has let up some. I don't feel as sick when I wake up in the morning...just a bit sick in the evening and right before bed. We have 15 weeks down this week! I'm so excited. Derrick has been taking all his National Guard/hunting things out of your future room. He needs a new man room! Your room is nearly empty, but not for long. We are getting exciting about Christmas time around here! We have so much to be thankful for this year. Hopefully, I will at least get to hear your heartbeat tomorrow.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thankfully exiting the first trimester!

I'm technically not out of the first trimester until Tuesday (but close enough!). So everyone keeps telling me that during the second trimester..I should feel better- less nausea and more energy (I hope that holds true for us). Today, you really must be having a sour day... I wanted sour straws, sour gum, sour gummies...and anything else sour:) As for regular clothes, we are growing out of them. Today, I put two stockings up on the mantle as I began to decorate for Christmas....and it hit me - We need another for next year! It's the little things that will definitely put an emotional pregnant lady over the edge. I'm just itching to buy a sweet little outfit for you, but I'm trying to hold off until I find out if you are a boy or girl. It's so hard. Derrick told his mom that it doesn't really matter if you are a boy or girl because I will dress you up all the time...either way. He for sure knows me! Second trimester here we come! I can't leave without saying Roll Tide Roll.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

12 Week Appointment

Heard your heartbeat again!! 165 this time...Sad I didn't get to see you though:( I'm supposed to find out if you're a boy or girl the week of Christmas- What a great present. Okay, I have to mention that Alabama is playing for the SEC championship! How exciting..Derrick thought you may want to know that. Big drama today- the swine flu vaccine...So the doctor walks in during my appointment and says here's your HINI vaccine. I had no time to research the topic or anything. I know that it is recommended, but I do not like the idea of taking it at all. For one thing, I heard it had mercury in it- which I shouldn't have. I mean ...I've never even taken a flu shot, I can't believe I let them talk me in to this. Oh well, I will pray everything will be fine. I'm so exciting the first trimester is nearly over. I can't wait to feel better. Nite Nite.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Baby Going To Texas

I can't believe it's already been 11 weeks...okay so maybe I can. Wednesday you will take your first airplane flight. We're going to Dallas for work! I'm a little uneasy about taking you with me, but I know everything will be okay. So tonight...I started searching for childcare. Wow, I have my work cut out for me. I can't hardly stand the thought of planning to leave you before I even meet you. I guess that's just part of it though. Derrick says Brady's ready for a playmate and that he can't wait until he licks you and steals your stuffed toys. I think I have to agree. Of course I'm a dog lover and I believe they are way smarter than we give them credit. Call me crazy, but I have to mention this story. Before I started feeling so sickly, when I would arrive home from work...Brady would want me to play fetch with him. Now, he just crawls in his bed for a bit first and lets me rest...How sweet is that! I think he has to know something is up! Lastly, I have to document Anna Kate's response to you being in my tummy...She said that if you're not a girl - We have to send you back. When I asked what we would name you...she said "Girl." Either way, I know she will love you. Pray for us this week!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Starting Week 10

To our little are starting to make me feel heavier than normal. Oh well, I guess I need to get adjusted to that. You brought us good luck at the Bama vs. TN game yesterday. We had such a scare, and thankfully pulled out a close win. I can't wait until November 12th when we get to see you again! After that, i think it will be time to start buying your Bama gear. I haven't felt as sick as last maybe we're on the way to better days. Derrick says I can fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. There was a point in the 3rd quarter that I thought I could sleep at the game:) I just read that you can now bend your arms and legs and you already should be getting nails. I can't believe how quickly God has brought you together. I look forward to the next few weeks and pray you continue to develop properly. I'm starting to be curious ...should I be thinking pink or blue?

Friday, October 16, 2009

ONLY 7 Months to GO!

What an eventful week! Our baby now has arms and legs...according to this week's u/s. I have experienced some of those not so exciting pregnancy symptoms this week, but that's okay as long as our little one is as healthy as can be. I can't wait to post all the new pics..(I plan to do so tomorrow). I can't wait until next week when we officially carry him or her to the Alabama/TN football game! I was actually carrying you at the Arkansas game, but I don't count it since your little heart wasn't beating yet...It's definitely beating now. Wednesday it was 172 and today 179!! I just found out today that (now I will start writing my posts to the baby by the way...since it actually feels real!) I will be taking you on an airplane ride in November for work! Everyone start praying the sickness is gone by then. lol. That could be an interesting ride:( Nevertheless, I'm praying that your little body is perfect as can be.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I heard the heartbeat!

I made the tech play it twice. It was awesome music to my ears ...140bpm to be exact! On the ultrasound you can actually see our little peanut's head and body starting to form! I'm so thankful. God could only make something as awesome as this. Between last week and this week, it went from looking like a dot to this! As you can tell, I'm amazed.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The sickness begins:(

I'm not complaining..Okay maybe just a feeling nauseous all day long isn't fun. Besides having a very keen sense of smell, and feeling sick off and on all day- I'm okay. The not so funny thought that keeps crossing my mind is hoping that I won't get really sick during a lunch with my doctors. Today, I recall sitting there and thinking is this food coming back up or staying down. Sorry too much information. On a better note, Derrick cooked chicken tonight- he's a wonderful husband. Speaking of feeling sick, my baby (the one I have now- my dog) is not doing well. He has some type of degenerative back disease. He had to go to the vet today and they gave him morphine. He's so confused...I'm so sad. We are making changes to try to eliminate stress on his back...blocking off steps, shutting doors, and purchasing small in-house steps to help Brady climb on the sofa and bed. To think, one day we'll be doing all this for a child- except much more!

Confirmation of Pregnancy

I must do a quick recap to catch up on the past three weeks. On September 14th, I went in for my 1st blood test and the doctor said it should be above 20- It was 49, two days later I came back in to see if the number doubled and it was 132, and the following week my blood test came back over 2000! At that point, he said you're definitely expecting! Last Wednesday, September 30th we had our first ultrasound and we could see the little heart flutter. Our baby looks like a peanut at this point. We could finally stop holding our breath, our little peanut has a heartbeat! I plan on posting the ultrasounds as we go along.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

We Are Pregnant!

On September 13th 2009, Derrick and I found out we were expecting! I immediately fell to the floor and thanked God for answering our prayer. We couldn't be more excited and I'm thrilled to be able to share this experience with family and friends. Thank you for your prayers and please continue...Our projected due date is May 27th 2010.