Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thankfully exiting the first trimester!

I'm technically not out of the first trimester until Tuesday (but close enough!). So everyone keeps telling me that during the second trimester..I should feel better- less nausea and more energy (I hope that holds true for us). Today, you really must be having a sour day... I wanted sour straws, sour gum, sour gummies...and anything else sour:) As for regular clothes, we are growing out of them. Today, I put two stockings up on the mantle as I began to decorate for Christmas....and it hit me - We need another for next year! It's the little things that will definitely put an emotional pregnant lady over the edge. I'm just itching to buy a sweet little outfit for you, but I'm trying to hold off until I find out if you are a boy or girl. It's so hard. Derrick told his mom that it doesn't really matter if you are a boy or girl because I will dress you up all the time...either way. He for sure knows me! Second trimester here we come! I can't leave without saying Roll Tide Roll.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see another little picture of you. It's so amazing how quickly you are growing. Perhaps by Christmas we will know if we should be looking for pink or blue outfits. Either way it doesn't matter. We know that you are sent from God and are precious no matter what. Keep growing and know that we all love you and anticipate you arrival in May.
